5 new years resolutions your dog would want you to make.


Dogs live in the present and if you take notice, your dog can provide you with valuable lessons on how to live a content and happy life.

Instead of trying the next new diet for this New Years Resolution, maybe take a look at how your dog would want you to live your life. Start by using the below tips as a way to improve your mental and physical well-being.

1. Wake Up Early

When you rise early, it eliminates the need to rush in the morning. You can then start your day on an optimistic note and such positivity often stays with you throughout the day. Whilst the rest of the world has a lie in, get out and seize the day.

2. Take naps.

Studies show that taking a 15-30 minute nap reenergizes us, and makes us feel more creative and alert. So if you can, try and set aside 15 minutes a day to curl up with your pup and catch a few zzz’s.

3. Take a hike.

Exercise is good for our mind, body, and soul. The foundation of your relationship with your dog begins with the walk. It’s a great bonding exercise with a multitude of other benefits. Try to tred the less trodden path, you never know what hidden gems you’ll find around the corner.

4. Find joy in the small things.

HundEnergy.'s mantra is ‘Paws to Roam’; finding the time to get out and explore more of life. Dogs love exploring and as a result will spend more time focusing on what's going on right in front of them. Every new corner turned is a new adventure, new people, new food, maybe think about how you could incorporate a bit more time to take things in.

5. Forgive and Forget.

Ever accidentally trod on your dogs paw? A big cuddle and everything is forgotten. You can live a happier life if you find it in your to forgive and forget and not to dwell on the past.

Have any new years resolutions yourself? We would love to hear from you! You can comment in the box below or share your stories on social media using the hashtag #pawstoroam