An Energy Bar...for Dogs?!


‘HundEnergy.’was an idea created whilst travelling across Europe with Pacha our Hungarian Vizsla, on a three month sabbatical from work. It was a much needed lifestyle change, away from a corporate office job within Recruitment, and so far removed from the typical 9-5 lifestyle.

Pacha would be going on long walks up mountains, swimming in beautiful Norwegian lakes and sprinting along golden deserted beaches. This was also slightly different from her typical 9-5.

When we returned to the UK with this niggling idea in my head, most people I told completely understood and were excited about the idea, however we did have a couple of people turn and say…“an energy bar….for dogs?!” “my dog already has enough energy!”.

For the majority of dog owners, we are now paying more attention to the type of exercise our dog needs. The mindset of ‘walk your dog around the block to tire them out’ is something that’s becoming obsolete. If you yourself wanted to get in your daily exercise each day by walking around the block then you could, but very quickly you’d find yourself bored out of your mind.

People need that mental stimulation of a change in environment, as does your dog…probably even more so.

They’re natural roamers, inquisitive about their surroundings and it’s our responsibility to make sure we give them that opportunity. We need to make sure they’re living their best life.

And of course…snacks en-route? Well, we wouldn’t want to be biased but if you click anywhere along this sentence we will point out a great nutritious option guaranteed to make your adventures even better.

Dont forget to share your adventures using the hashtag #pawstoroam