The Power of Accountability and Virtual Events During Lockdown 2.0


Many people who lose sight of their fitness goals do so because they aren’t held accountable. You have a lot of momentum and motivation at first, but it slowly starts to fade. Life happens. It’s cold outside, you aren’t seeing results fast enough, or more topically, events are being cancelled due to lockdown and before you know it, you’ve given up.

Accountability and things like Virtual Events are some of the best ways to ensure you stay on track towards your goals.

How to Create Accountability.

If you want to be held accountable for your actions as you attempt to reach that goal, first you would need to define a specific target.

Instead of a generalised goal like “run faster” you would have to set a goal like “run 5km under 30 minutes by the end of 2020” and track your results as you progress.

Setting a specific goal and tracking it will greatly improve your motivation levels and chances of reaching your fitness goals.

Below are a few ways in which to keep accountability for your fitness goals during Lockdown 2.0:

#1. Share your journey on a public platform

Whether that be posting a screenshot of the aftermath post-workout, or just physically telling someone about the target you intend to hit. You're more likely to stick to your goals in the knowledge you don't want to 'let others down'.

#2. Take part in a Virtual Challenge.

I've seen a few comments regarding virtual challenges and how they don't see the point. If you know there's other people aiming towards the same goal, you'll feel less alone in your journey, especially in times like these when taking part in actual events isn't feasible. A great November Virtual Challenge for Canicross hosted by K9 Trail Time can be found here

#3. Sign a Commitment Contract.

A commitment contract is a binding agreement that you create with yourself to ensure you undertake the tasks necessary to reach a fitness goal.

Write a document that spells out the goal you are attempting to achieve and the precise steps you will take to achieve it.


#4. Your Dog.

You will always be held accountable for your dogs fitness. The best way to look at tying in fitness with your dog, is that you both benefit from the goal. Your dog gets exercised, you get exercised, it's like killing a bird with two stones as you'd have to walk your dog anyway! Even if all else seems to be falling off track, the solid constant in your life can always provide you with that unwavering support.

So take your goals into your own hands.

Make life easier for yourself and create some accountability!

Have you got any goals between now and the end of the year? Be sure to tag us in yours and we can be your accountability buddies! @hundenergy #pawstoroam